Thursday, May 17, 2007

So proud of my friend and the LAF!

JENNIFER: By all accounts, LIVESTRONG Day was an incredible success. I am SO proud of Lauren and all of Team LAF who were involved in our D.C. efforts!

Back at home in Austin, we had a fun LIVESTRONG Day too. Everyone wore yellow. In typical LAF fashion, we started off the day with breakfast tacos and later enjoyed sandwiches and yummy yellow cake.

There were a number of fun LIVESTRONG Day events all over Austin to encourage people to sign the LIVESTRONG petition and sign up for the LIVESTRONG Challenge. The Challenge team hoped to get 500 registrations on LIVESTRONG Day, and they surpassed their goal!

Check out this photo of the Empire State Building...lit up yellow in honor of LIVESTRONG Day. Cool sight to see, huh?

Monday, May 14, 2007

The fruits of my labor...

JENNIFER: Check out the LAF’s new website…my big project the past five weeks (and my excuse for not riding my bike)!

My small-but-mighty team is amazing. Please indulge me while I send a couple of shout-outs their way:

Bianca, you're an absolute rock star. All along the way, you have provided invaluable, critical insight to the redesign process. Not only have you taught me a lot, but I'm happy to say I also made a new friend.

Rick, you are wonderfully creative, and your dedication to this project has been just incredible. Your parents -- the inspiration for your hard work -- should be very proud. I'm certain they are.

I am thrilled to have been the project manager for this website redesign. I have learned so much from the experience -- about effectively managing a project and directing a team as well as HTML coding and understanding super-geeky techy lingo.

We're in the home stretch now, and I’m so proud of our hard work!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Words of Encouragement Needed

LAUREN: The following blurb was featured in the April issue of the Advocacy Newsletter.

Anchorage, Alaska: Sean Swarner, the first cancer survivor to summit Mount Everest in 2002, hopes to summit Mount McKinley - the seventh and final mountain of his historic quest- on LIVESTRONG Day. May 16th is not only special to Sean because it is LIVESTRONG Day, but because it is the exact five year anniversary of his summit of Mount Everest. Mount McKinley, the highest peak in North America, marks the final stage of his quest to become the first two-time cancer survivor to mount the highest peak on each of the seven continents to raise awareness and give hope to people everywhere whose lives have been affected by cancer.
He's climbing now and I receive daily updates about his progress. He's at Camp 3 and he's facing some weather issues. If you can, please send him some words of encouragement. I am sure he would love to hear from you.
Click on "Send a Satellite Message"
Type 881631012858 in the "To" Box
Enter your message and hit send
P.S.: LIVESTRONG Day is almost here, LIVESTRONG Day is almost here...I can't wait. I hope you are as excited as I am.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

And another week goes by...

JENNIFER: For anyone who is keeping count, I still have nine weeks to go before I prove to Matt that cycling is a true hobby for me and I am in real need of a brand new bike.

It's not going so well.

This is the second week in a row that I haven't even looked at my bike, much less checked the tires, clicked in my cycling shoes and gone for a ride.

I blame it on a strong work ethic and pursuit of perfectionism in my job. Does that get me off the hook? Work is unbelievably busy. While Lauren is crazed with LIVESTRONG Day planning, I am swamped with my own big website project.

Our desks are so close to each other that I could sit up super-straight in my chair and have a perfect view of Lauren all day long, if I wanted. And yet, this week we've barely had a chance to say more than two words to one another -- just a quick chat or a hurried wave and smile as she rushes past my desk. Very unlike us.

L, LIVESTRONG Day is going to be SO great, I just know it. Your hard work and late hours will totally pay off.

Also, a big XOXO to my LAF friends who I won't be seeing around the office.

Tomorrow is Friday! Then the weekend comes, and Matt and I have a fun Cinco de Mayo planned...

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


LAUREN: It's confession time again. Last week wasn't good for me on the training front. In fact, I didn't get to ride my bike once (sigh!) or didn't keep to working late only two nights a week. Well, did you read the headline? That's why!

These days, I am all about LIVESTRONG Day. I have been working on this project since last September and now we are in the home stretch. And let me let you in on a little secret, IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME! We have some exciting things planned in both Washington, D.C., and in cities across the country. My question for you is...what do you plan to do on LIVESTRONG Day?

In Washington, D.C., the LAF will lead 200 advocates to Capitol Hill to demand that our nation's leaders invest in resources, treatment and services for people affected by cancer. To complement those efforts, approximately 200 LIVESTRONG Day events will be held across the country to engage communities with experiences that increase awareness and show support for cancer survivors and their loved ones. To find a local event near you, use the LIVESTRONG Day local event search tool. You can also see a complete listing of local events here.

If you don't see an event in your area, it's not too late to organize one. The deadline to register a local event is THIS Friday, May 4 at 5:00 p.m. CDT. Your event can be as simple as wearing YELLOW to work, handing out LIVESTRONG wristbands and sharing resources to help people affected by cancer. (My husband plans to do that activity at his workplace and just registered his event last night.)

I'll be heading to D.C. with the 200 advocates, but tell me what you plan to do in the comments section below. I can't wait to hear from you.