Thursday, May 17, 2007

So proud of my friend and the LAF!

JENNIFER: By all accounts, LIVESTRONG Day was an incredible success. I am SO proud of Lauren and all of Team LAF who were involved in our D.C. efforts!

Back at home in Austin, we had a fun LIVESTRONG Day too. Everyone wore yellow. In typical LAF fashion, we started off the day with breakfast tacos and later enjoyed sandwiches and yummy yellow cake.

There were a number of fun LIVESTRONG Day events all over Austin to encourage people to sign the LIVESTRONG petition and sign up for the LIVESTRONG Challenge. The Challenge team hoped to get 500 registrations on LIVESTRONG Day, and they surpassed their goal!

Check out this photo of the Empire State Building...lit up yellow in honor of LIVESTRONG Day. Cool sight to see, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never been to NYC, though I really want to visit someday see the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building (two the most beautiful building in the world).

That picture is absolutely amazing. I've never seen a better picture of the Empire State Building.

A huge tip of my ever present "LiveSTRONG" black baseball cap to all of the LAF staff. You all did an amazing job.

Congratulations to all of you.