Sunday, June 3, 2007

Back in the Saddle

LAUREN: I'm back and boy has it been a LONG time. Things got a little crazy with LIVESTRONG Day and then I took a short break from work after the event. Now things are back to normal and I am finally back in sync with the "plan" I originally started a few months ago.

Today, I took a brief ride around the neighborhood and I do mean brief. In fact, I would consider it starting all over again because it has truly been that long. It's crazy to think that it is now June and I can't really remember riding my bike since April. WOW - where did the time go? I hope you are doing better with your training than I am.

Looking back at LIVESTRONG Day, there are a ton of wonderful memories but my favorite is from the press event on Wednesday, May 16 at Upper Senate Park. With the Capitol in the background, all of the delegates were chanting "LIVESTRONG," "LIVESTRONG," "LIVESTRONG" right before the event started. It was so powerful and moving.

On a separate but sad note, today I am heading out of town to attend a funeral for a family member who lost his fight with brain cancer on Friday. Man, I hate this disease.

P.S.: Today is National Cancer Survivors Day so check for activities in your community to attend. For those of you living in Austin, there is a huge National Cancer Survivors Day at the Quarries Park from noon to 4 p.m. More information can be found at

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