Thursday, June 28, 2007

This is the weekend, I just know it!

JENNIFER: This will be the weekend I finally get back in the saddle. If I keep saying it, and if I say it to more and more people, and if I post it on my blog...then I think it will be so. I'm gearing myself up to make it so.

If only the crazy, rain Texas weather would cooperate. Rain rain go away. Come again another day.

Today my friend Devon reminded me that I did not share our experiences at the Luling Watermelon Thump last Friday night. She seemed to consider this a missed opportunity. In Devon's words, "the Thump was the place to see and be seen."

Aside from the Randy Rogers Band (they were good!), some of the noteworthy things we saw at the Thump include:

  • Camouflauge watermelon koozies
  • A huge watermelon sign that, as the legend goes, used to be lit up with twinkle lights but now it's not
  • Matching turquoise his-and-hers Lynyrd Skynyrd concert tees
  • Lots of cheap canned beer with a beer tent system that operated like clockwork
  • A group of friends singing and dancing around one girl who apparently indulged in too much cheap canned beer and fell down in front of us. Twice. Poor thing.
  • Sparkly glitter-adorned campaign posters for the Thump Queen

On that note, congratulations to Vanessa, this year's Thump Queen, who we recognized from afar due to her tiara and sash. Also a shout-out to the Thump Princess and Thump Duchesses.

We got to Luling too late to see the watermelon eating and seed spitting contests. Next year!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You...

LAUREN: I'm not naming names (Jennifer), but someone (Jennifer) is having a birthday today. LOL! If you have a second, please send your birthday wishes her way.

JHL: You are a wonderful friend and I am so thankful for people like you in this world. Have a great birthday today, my friend! --lm
P.S.: I rode my bike this morning, although it was a very brief ride around the neighborhood. The weather was much cooler, and it was the start of what I am hoping will be a morning routine. Hey, you have to start somewhere!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Crucial conversations

JENNIFER: Yesterday, Lauren and I wrapped up a two-day training in Crucial Conversations.

Along with half of our colleagues (the other half took the training last week), we learned techniques for having effective conversations at work and at home.

Everyone picked a learning partner to help us identify conversations we needed to have and to practice having difficult conversations about some of the challenges we face.

Colin was my learning partner, which meant that I got to know someone who I didn't know very well before. While I have always thought Colin was a great guy, he is not someone at work with whom I typically share these types of things so I wondered how far I would go with the sharing.

(Short commercial break follows here: Colin works in the LAF's development department, and he and his team work on ways for people to get involved with the LAF through our grassroots fundraising and marathon programs. Check it out.)

How nice it was to work with Colin! He offered insightful feedback when we practiced our new techniques, and I hope I helped him, too.

On another note... Did I mention that tomorrow is my birthday? In exactly one hour and seven minutes, I will officially be in my thirties...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Where the heck have I been?

JENNIFER: I wish I had a good reason for not blogging for the past few weeks. I think about it often, but day after day has gone by without a new post.

It probably doesn't help that I still have not touched my bike. I'm frozen, and I don't know what my hang-up is. Fear that it's going to be hard when I finally get back on the bike? Shame that it's been so long? Resentment that other responsibilities have kept me from riding?

Here's what pushed me over the edge this evening and caused me to finally log back in. It's after midnight and I'm sitting on the couch finishing up some work on my laptop. CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 is in the background, and my ears perk up at the mention of cancer survivor's blog. I've just been introduced to Miles Levin.

Miles is a high school kid. He just graduated and attended prom with his girlfriend and he has cancer and is undergoing chemo. I read backwards through his blog until my eyes started to burn and tear. His beautifully written story - and his incredible strength - are inspiring.

I just had to share.

Maybe now I'll get on my bike.

Miles Levin's blog is hosted at To see the full blog you must register, and in the page search field type LevinStory.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Riding Again

LAUREN: On Saturday I rode 15 miles at the Veloway. Yes, 15 miles! I know it's not much; but for me, it was an important start. I needed to push myself since it had been so long and wanted to see just how far I could go after a two month hiatus.

I had some hurdles to overcome in the morning like a flat tire, needing to buy a new helmet and getting my tire fixed. By the time all of that was done, I didn't start riding until after 11am. I know that doesn't sound too late, but it's already hot in Texas and only gets worse as the day progresses. My goal was to ride at least 12 miles, but I knew that I would have to gauge it by how much water I had with me or by just how much of the heat I could take.

In the end, I was happy to have surpassed my goal and just thrilled to be riding again. I must admit that I am a little intimidated by the 70-mile course due to the fact that I am behind in my training. However, all I can do is take it one day at a time and I am happy with Saturday's start. Sunday will be a rest day and I hope to do a short ride on Monday.

Total Time: 1 Hour; 17 minutes
Distance: 15 miles

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Back in the Saddle

LAUREN: I'm back and boy has it been a LONG time. Things got a little crazy with LIVESTRONG Day and then I took a short break from work after the event. Now things are back to normal and I am finally back in sync with the "plan" I originally started a few months ago.

Today, I took a brief ride around the neighborhood and I do mean brief. In fact, I would consider it starting all over again because it has truly been that long. It's crazy to think that it is now June and I can't really remember riding my bike since April. WOW - where did the time go? I hope you are doing better with your training than I am.

Looking back at LIVESTRONG Day, there are a ton of wonderful memories but my favorite is from the press event on Wednesday, May 16 at Upper Senate Park. With the Capitol in the background, all of the delegates were chanting "LIVESTRONG," "LIVESTRONG," "LIVESTRONG" right before the event started. It was so powerful and moving.

On a separate but sad note, today I am heading out of town to attend a funeral for a family member who lost his fight with brain cancer on Friday. Man, I hate this disease.

P.S.: Today is National Cancer Survivors Day so check for activities in your community to attend. For those of you living in Austin, there is a huge National Cancer Survivors Day at the Quarries Park from noon to 4 p.m. More information can be found at