Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Where the heck have I been?

JENNIFER: I wish I had a good reason for not blogging for the past few weeks. I think about it often, but day after day has gone by without a new post.

It probably doesn't help that I still have not touched my bike. I'm frozen, and I don't know what my hang-up is. Fear that it's going to be hard when I finally get back on the bike? Shame that it's been so long? Resentment that other responsibilities have kept me from riding?

Here's what pushed me over the edge this evening and caused me to finally log back in. It's after midnight and I'm sitting on the couch finishing up some work on my laptop. CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 is in the background, and my ears perk up at the mention of cancer survivor's blog. I've just been introduced to Miles Levin.

Miles is a high school kid. He just graduated and attended prom with his girlfriend and he has cancer and is undergoing chemo. I read backwards through his blog until my eyes started to burn and tear. His beautifully written story - and his incredible strength - are inspiring.

I just had to share.

Maybe now I'll get on my bike.

Miles Levin's blog is hosted at To see the full blog you must register, and in the page search field type LevinStory.


Russ said...

I recently signed up for the Austin Challenge and started my own training blog! Would you mind if I put a link to your site on my blog? Keep up the good work!

Jennifer and Lauren said...

Hi Russ! Absolutely -- we would love it.

Anonymous said...

Jen and Lauren-
I DON'T like it when so much time goes by between your posts AND I DO look forward to hearing more from you soon!