Monday, April 2, 2007

A Great Start to the Week

JENNIFER & LAUREN: When you head to the grocery store or your local bookstore, be sure to check out the magazine rack. On the shelf today is the latest copy of Newsweek with a photo of the LIVESTRONG wristband on the cover and featuring a powerful column from Lance.

As LAF staff members, we take great pride in the work we do and are committed to helping the millions of people affected by cancer. For the last ten years, the LAF has worked to change the way people think about the disease. We started this work years ago with testicular cancer, moved into urologic cancers, began tackling the issues that survivors deal with each and every day and now we are not only supporting survivors but tackling the social injustices associated with cancer.

With recent cancer recurrence announcements from both Elizabeth Edwards and Tony Snow, cancer has received a tremendous amount of national news coverage. This week is no exception and the LAF is proud to be a part of it. But it’s not enough. We must and will do more for the more than 10 million cancer survivors living in the U.S., and we ask you to do the same.

We are both a part of the LIVESTRONG Army and we ask you to join today if you haven’t already. If you have already joined us, then please ask five more people to join the fight. Together we will make cancer a national priority. LIVESTRONG!


Brian Dowd said...

JENNIFER & LAUREN - Yes, this was a great start to the week. Keeping cancer in the news and broadening awareness is critical to making cancer a national priority! Great Post!

Best of luck on your continued training!

Brian Dowd

Anonymous said...

Thank you for drawing my attention to this latest edition of 'Newsweek'. I'm not a regular reader of that magazine, and would have missed it. We bought that issue on Thursday night and I have yet to read the article, but will soon.

I was excited to see a "LiveSTRONG" wristband splashed across the cover and a story about cancer survivorship being the headline story.

Many worthy causes exist in the world today, all of them important. It is equally important to see that cancer survivorship is still a topic in the media. It is an issue that will always be 'current'.

As the LAF Manifesto says, "The fight never ends, cancer may leave your body, but it never leaves your life."

Thanks again.